After a month of sporadic procrastination, I finished my first short story to Wattpad* which continues where "White Sheet" left off. I would like to thank commenters Wilma Nesti and Chuck for their suggestions that inspired me to take Peter's story further into something that I plan on making a serial. That said, I considered porting the other pieces on here over to Wattpad and cross-post between there, here, and Ello.
With that, here are the changes to April's itinerary...
I may not write a flash fiction piece for April. I mentioned on Ello, when I planned on dedicating a week to the short story, that I wanted to work on last year's NaNoWriMo. I had some ideas between February and now that I want to add, along with organizing and writing the thing in full. That, and I've also been playing Badass Space Dragon over on Boing Boing's BBS where I play as a space lobster with a love of all things fashion, except if it's cardigan sweaters. This, along with other commitments outside the web makes the lack of an April flash fiction a possibility.
There will be musings based on how I procrastinated last month--from my new-found love for the web browser Vivaldi to binge watching Korean television and even a review on Thomas Piketty's Capital that I promised to write when I announced my first reads for 2015 over on (yes) Ello.
...and that sums up all the changes. Have a Happy Easter Weekend!
*If you are not on Wattpad and would like to provide feedback, comment away here or e-mail me at the addresses listed here.
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