I'm taking advantage of the fact that I woke up early by mistake to write this post before I head into work so that I can avoid the routine I mentioned in late September. The holiday rush has been more stressful than usual and it goes without saying that the pandemic has been partly to blame for that. The unexpected Halloween rush was the worst of it—since I was under the impression that the usual Trick or Treating was cancelled.
I'm glad that I requested that following week off, which I initially requested for in September in case I did not receive my absentee ballot in time for the presidential elections. Luckily, I did end up getting mine and submitted it promptly, so I spent most of the week at home, relaxing, only leaving the home to get take-out lunch.
I also wrote a review of Pocket Vinyl's latest album "Winter Person" for 1324 during my week off—featured in the fourteenth issue. It was my first time writing a music review, meaning that I was outside of my usual comfort zone of book reviews. I am glad at how it turned out in the end and, once again, I would like to thank Ivenne for the opportunity to write for the zine. If you have something you'd like to recommend or review—a book you read that you really enjoyed, a film, a game, a podcast, a Youtube channel, et cetera—do send her an e-mail. I, personally, would love to see more people contribute to the zine.
I've also sent a message to another publication—not a major one at large, but one I started reading in July—asking if I could contribute a review. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that one, but I also plan on seeking out other places where I could submit something. Part of why I was trying to blog more frequently was to build the confidence to start properly writing again and possibly end up working in my intended field. I feel like I'm getting there and that what I'm doing now is a good start in that direction.
In the same week, however, I found out via a text that there was a positive COVID case at work and ended up getting tested a week with a member of my family who had a similar situation at their workplace. (In their case, their organization called them whereas I learned mine through a co-worker.) Thankfully, both of us tested negative. It goes without saying, but masks and social distancing measures do work so please follow them or continue to do so.
The other positive thing about that vacation week was, of course, the election results. What a way to close the week and thank goodness for it too!
Aside from that, it's been mostly uneventful. I'll try to do better about blog entries in future when possible. Hope you are are safe and well this holiday season!