It does look like I'm taking the book out, but it's the other way 'round. A slight fumble in submerging the Shipwreck in question— Taken with an iPhone 8 |
I took a small walk down to the mini-library this afternoon and finally returned Shipwreck Lane to its stacks. With the poll results tallied, I now have another romance book to read for Valentine's Day: Ali Hazelwood's Love, Theoretically.
Thank you again to all of you who reblogged the previous post and participated in last week's poll!
I set up a deadline for myself to have this book read, with a review written and posted on or around Valentine's Day—admittedly, I only mentioned said deadline in the Mastodon poll.
This will not only provide me with ample time to read the book, but also allows me some breathing space for the rest of December—outside of the travel blog post on September's Boston trip. I'll probably spend some of that spare time finishing Clark Collis's You've Got Red on You, which documents the making of the Shaun of the Dead film. Simon Pegg was one of my favorite comedic influences in late high-school with Spaced. I bought the DVD boxed set at Borders after school on a whim, binged through both seasons and found myself being drawn to the wholesome nature of the entire show—the direction, sets, and the way the characters embraced their own quirkiness.
Also, as for Shaun of the Dead, I got around to watching it last month and well, I loved it!
Other things I've been Distracted By...
I'm not someone who usually watches Twitch streams these days, but between Banjo Guy Ollie doing one out of the blue in October alongside LoadingReadyRun's 20th Anniversary Sub-a-Thon, the streaming website was the place to be. In my case, it was the iPad app where all of the action happened—outside of occasional chat glitches, I think it does a pretty good job of playing the role of terrestrial television.
There was also the annual Desert Bus for Hope charity livestream last month which was a lot of fun! Many of the highlights including supercuts of popular segments are over on their YouTube channel—I enjoyed waking up to some parts of "Keep Talking and Nobody Bricksplodes" alongside the call-in with the folk group, the Longest Johns.
On the podcast front, there's Leighton Night with Brian Wecht which has now become a permanent part of my podcast rotation. This is partly thanks to the CheapShow episode I mentioned in the last post alongside Leighton Gray's GDC talk—or rather those were the initial hooks that convinced me to give Leighton Night a listen. Shortly after, I decided to pick a few shows from their backlog. There were a couple of them with Paul Gannon, one with video essayist Sarah Z, another with producer and writer Abby Russell, and last one I picked out of the archives was with stand-up comedian Chris Grace.
It's hard to describe the show, but it reminds me of when I used to read Boing Boing during my community college and university years—when Cory Doctorow, Xeni Jardin, and Maggie Koerth-Baker used to post on there. In sum, it's a glimpse into today's Internet with fun hosts who make a podcast informative, chill, and ultimately fun!
Other distractions...
- Continuing with podcasts, the Channel 84 Variety Show's doing an advent calendar where each day they discuss an item, event, or tradition related to Christmas in a segment they call "Bin it or Keep It".
- I've also been on a Red Letter Media kick for a couple months, courtesy of a Noiselund remix. I particularly enjoy Half in the Bag which blends brief comedy skits with in-depth discussion on films.
- There were also the recent Doctor Who specials and it was great to have David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I did a brief, spoiler-free review of the first special over on Mastodon. I might expand on that next year.
- With games, it's been mostly a mix of Mario(s) and Minecraft. The latter of which was inspired more or less by my second cousin's visit in August.
That's all from me this evening! Have a wonderful week!