20 April, 2012

Prompting About: A Blog Introduction

Hello all and welcome to Prompted Ink! This is where I'll be posting the stories, poems, and other works I've written based off of writing prompts. Edit: Now with bonus musings.

As for myself, I got into writing when I was in high school. I had an unhealthy relationship going into my Sophomore year to a point where the entire family went mad. She was way too attached to me; calling the house constantly was the worst bit. Even when I broke up with her a few months into the school year, the thought of her obsession with me was still bothersome. I had been attending a writing workshop at the local library with some of my close friends. Even if I wasn't writing much at the time, I was relieved to be in the company of good people who could help lift my spirits up. Not only did they do so, but the group was challenged to a writing assignment that essentially got me into writing. I put my situation into the assignment and typed away; not knowing how much relief and satisfaction that I would get from it.

After a year hiatus, I've been getting back into the writing spirit through communities like Google+'s Writ; who've been a major inspiration in this regard. It was essentially through them that I discovered the Flash Fiction Project, and other pages and people who come up with prompts.


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