17 March, 2023

A Brief Update and New Reading Haunts

I'm just writing in to say that I haven't forgotten about the blog, nor have I neglected to read through the Little Book of Sound Chips: Volume 2. I finished the book and I started work on the review last Saturday, but have yet to finish and refine it. I'll do my best to aim for early-April, work and life commitments permitting.

(Admittedly though, a nostalgia trip through Tales of Symphonia plus the other two Persona re-releases doesn't qualify.)

I am also trying out two new Goodreads alternatives—BookWyrm and StoryGraph. The former is a decentralized, open-source equivalent that uses the ActivityPub protocol meaning that you can also follow my reviews over on Mastodon without having to sign up for a separate account on a new service. The latter, on the other hand, is a more in-depth version of Goodreads that is properly independent (as in, not owned by Amazon) that allows users to give half-stars in their reviews, mark books as did-not-finish, along with many other user-friendlier features I have yet to read about. 

The shorter version of the review will still be on Goodreads alongside these two services. You can follow me on both of them...

StoryGraph: @prompted_ink (requires log-in*)

BookWyrm: @PromptedInkReads

The only thing I'll note here is that the import for both of them was almost seamless—StoryGraph was not able to find one book out of the many while there were several lost entires on BookWyrm. Not a major deal in any way, but it's something to keep in mind in case you're wondering why a few titles and reviews are missing entirely. 

Outside of that, I've been way more active on Mastodon, even if its just boosting others' posts. I did a entry about it on there through a quote boost and, even with current events being what they are, checking on Mastodon does not feel like doomscrolling. I sometimes think that Twitter has made us more cynical and charged in particular ways that have been detrimental to our mental health and public discourse overall. The same thing could be said about Facebook, which in hindsight was another reason why I left there in 2015 and fully deleted my account the year after. 

What I said before about Twitter still stands, for now anyway. I'm looking at ways in which I can replace the Twitter embeds so I can avoid link rot as best as I can. The ones with my tweets are not difficult to replace—some require only a photo and a caption while others require me to make a proper collage out of four photos**. The one's that don't may require a link to the blog on the Wayback Machine. 

That's it for now! Have a great weekend and Happy Saint Patrick's Day to those who celebrate it!

*For now anyway, I haven't properly looked in the settings to see if I can make my profile public. There might be the chance that I can't.

**This is not a reference to an embed, but a link to a Tweet I made while I was in Boston last year for my sister's graduation.     

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